It’s the day before the start of a new school year. For my family, tomorrow will be another milestone for our son. Zechariah will start high school. When he went to orientation last week, he came home with a T-shirt that displayed “Class of 2021.” That’s quite a sobering thought.
I still remember his first day of kindergarten. I was crying for more than a week before school started. I’ve been pretty good this time. I only started crying today.
Jump back fourteen years ago. First when I found out about the child forming within me. Then the day I held him in my arms for the first time. It was a time of excitement and wonder.
As a new mother, I was truly amazed by this little guy who would one day call me the name I longed to hear: “Mommy.” But I also had doubts and uncertainty. Would I be able to meet his needs – physically, emotionally, spiritually? I read parenting books. I asked advice. I read my Bible. I prayed.
I still have those doubts and fears. I still read books. I still read my Bible. And I still pray. More recently, as Zechariah deals with more teenage-type issues, I find myself praying even more.
In this section of my blog, Lessons in Motherhood, I will share my experiences – my triumphs, my failures. I willprovide resources that have helped me learn how to approach mothering. I will pass on the wisdom I gleaned from the mothers in my family. And most of all, I want to encourage all the mothers to continue the work that Yahweh has called us to do.
“The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.” Henry Ward Beecher
As teachers need to take courses in order to improve their skills, mothers, and fathers, must remain open to a life-long process of continuing education so that we can effectively lead our children through their stages in life.
Thanks for joining me. With Yahweh as our ultimate teacher, let’s pray that we will learn and grow together.